Return of the Cubes

Video — 10 min video loop
Production, Penny First-Eagland, Alli Saunders, Will Bartlett, Philip Nessel

Site Crew Concept + Design
Director, Camera + Edit, Jonny SilverDesigner + Producer, Len RydahlMusic Composer + Performer, Svetlan Milosevic

In an allegory of human behaviour, Cubes fall from the sky, splash into a river and float downstream, over rapids, through lagoons, over waterfalls and under bridges. They experience turbulence and calm as they tumble and float. They come to understand the will of the river. At times, a Cube breaks free from the group to form a relationship with another Cube. Some Cubes form strategic alliances to navigate the river’s currents and eddies. Together they reach open water.

(Featured in Site Crew’s multidisciplinary gallery show, Return of the Cubes)