Life at the Ciné Institute
Jacmel, Haiti
Available in book form ‘A SEASON IN HAITI’ — inquiries
Another teacher at the Ciné Institute happens to be one of Haiti’s most important artists, Ronald Mevs (mentioned in 2e Semaine). He teaches a class in Ethics which, along with another class in Courage taught by a former student, provides students with moral and inspirational strength to pursue their film studies.
So it was that I had to make a trip into Jacmel – to the police station – traffic division – to change the ownership of my new (used) moto. I’d be the passenger on the back of my own moto with my new associate, Gazol, driving – in an odd feigning of respect for the legal system.
2e Semaine - Bonjor tut moon- is the phonetic Haitian Creole version of Bonjour tout le monde. Yes, I’m picking up the easy phrases – using them when I can, as this one, at the beginning of my classes.
I feel like my soul is still catching up with my body. At night stretched out in the heat under my mosquito net, I question my decisions again because I know I’ve made bad ones. But perhaps these are growing pains. Having just finished a week of classes I can breathe a bit easier because of the familiarity with the environment and enthusiasm of the students.
I was picked up by the school’s chauffeur, a young local of Jacmel- tres sympa, driving in a rare nice vehicle, through the holes, dust, smoke and mountains of waste that are the winding roads on the 3 hour journey to the Cine Institute about 4 km outside of Jacmel.